WiFiController v0.5 | blog.imk.cx

I just want to post an update on the progress of WiFiController v0.5.  It is not a dead project but I have hit a spot where I’m not in the programming mood.  However, this will pass soon and I’ll start working on this again.  The new server is almost finished being written.  I have some things to work out as far as the note combo buttons go but those aren’t that bad.  I also need to look into all the new stuff for homebrew on 2.71 with kernel mode support since kernel mode is required for the note button to work.

If you have any feature requests or changes you might want just shoot me an e-mail.  I will not implement USB cable support so don’t request that.  Ad-hoc is in the works, though.  I’m going to try to clean up the instructions some or provide an easier way of getting this set up.  Some people just can’t figure it out.  Mac OS X support will come later and maybe Linux or BSD.  These require a great deal of effort and research of which I definitely won’t have for the time coming.  They are on my TODO list and will eventually happen.  If anyone wants to help out in that area just let me know.

Also, I might release a quick fix for v0.4.2 that fixes the menu flickering and difficult selection of multiple configurations.  I thought I had implemented this in v0.4.2 but I guess I didn’t.  It’s already fixed in v0.5 so I’ll just copy that code over to v0.4.2 and release it later as a newer version.  Maybe some other bug fixes as well.

I guess just keep checking the WiFiController page for an updated version in the next few weeks (hopefully).

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